
book 1

lesson 1 - 16

Sara: Hi! What’s your name?

Jose: Hello. I’m Jose Lopez.

Sara: Nice to meet you, Jose. How do you spell Lopez?

Jose: L-O-P-E-Z.

Sara: Thanks. What’s your phone number?

Jose: It’s (970) 555-6751

Sara: And what’s your address?

Jose: It’s 812 Main Street.

Sara: Great. Your teacher is Dan Palmer.

Jose: Thank you.

Sara: You’re welcome. Welcome to your English class!

Conversation 1

 Hi Juan. This is Emily, your English teacher. Just a reminder, today there is no class.
See you next week!


Conversation 2

Jen: Hey Juan! Are you coming to my birthday party this weekend?

Juan: What day is it?

Jen: It’s on Saturday.

Juan: Yes. I can come.

Jen: Great! See you then!


Conversation 3

Juan: When is your birthday, Mira?

Mira: It’s in November.

Juan: Really? Mine too! What day?

Mira: It’s on November 4th. How about you?

Juan: My birthday is on November 21st.

Paula: Hi Jon, how’s the weather today?

Jon: It’s bad. It’s snowy and windy.

Paula: Oh no. What’s the temperature?

Jon: It’s about 30 degrees. It’s cold in the winter!

Paula: Do you like the weather here?

Jon: No, I don’t.

Paula: How’s the weather in your native country?

Jon: In Haiti, it’s rainy sometimes. But it’s always hot.

Conversation 1

Max: Owwwwwwww!

Gina: Are you okay Max?

Max: No. I hurt my arm. It hurts a lot.

Gina: Let’s go to the doctor.


Conversation 2

Marcie: Ughhhhhhhh.

Jose: What’s wrong Marcie?

Marcie: My stomach hurts.

Jose: Oh no. I hope you feel better soon.


Conversation 3

Debbie: Ouch!

Jamal: Are you okay Debbie?

Debbie: Yes. I just hit my foot.

Jamal: I’m sorry.

Debbie: It’s okay.


Conversation 4

Deepa: Lewis, are you okay?

Lewis: No, I’m not okay.

Deepa: What’s wrong?

Lewis: My head hurts.

Deepa: Here is some medicine. It helps.

Paula: Nice to meet you Javier. Where do you live?

Javier: I live in L.A. And you?

Paula: I live in Long Beach. Do you live in a house?

Javier: No, I live in an apartment. Do you live in a house?

Paula: Yes. I rent a big old house. I have a big family. Is your apartment big?

Javier: No. My apartment is small, but new.

Paula: Nice.

Conversation 1

Deepa: My house is big. I have a big family and 3 dogs and 2 cats. My children like pets.


Conversation 2

Ming: I live alone in a new mobile home. I have quiet neighbors, but they are very friendly.


Conversation 3

Raquel: I live in an old apartment with my cat. My neighbors are very noisy. I think I might move soon.

Rob: Hi Norma! What are you up to this weekend?

Norma: Hi Rob! I’m going shopping. I’m excited!

Rob: Cool.

Norma: What are you up to?

Rob: I work this weekend.

Norma: Too bad! What do you like to do in your free time?

Rob: I like to play soccer and hang out with friends. You?

Norma: I like to cook and go shopping.

Rob: Oh yeah. Have fun this weekend.

Norma: Thanks!

Aisha: So, tell me about your family.

Jaime: I have a big family.

Aisha: Really? How many children do you have?

Jaime: I have 3 children.

Aisha: How old are they?

Jaime: My son is twelve and my daughters are six and eight.

Aisha: Wow! Where do they go to School?

Jaime: My son goes to Casey Middle School and my daughters go to Aspen Elementary.

Person A: This is my grandson. His name is Eduardo. He is 10. He goes to Aspen Elementary School. He likes to play soccer and watch movies. His birthday party is Saturday. I hope the weather is nice!

Juan: Hey Ana! How was your weekend? Where did you go?

Ana: Oh, hi Juan! Last weekend was great! I stayed home with my family. Where did you go last weekend?

Juan: I went to the movies on Saturday with friends and went to the park with my kids on Sunday.

Ana: That sounds like a fun weekend.

Conversation 1

Jack: What do you do?

Rita: I’m a landscaper. I work outside. What do you do, Jack?

Jack: I’m a cook. I work in a restaurant.


Conversation 2

Wei: Where do you work, Cristina?

Cristina: At home. I am a stay -at-home mom. Where do you work?

Wei: I’m retired. I don’t work.


Conversation 3

Franco: I’m a construction worker, Katya. What do you do?

Katya: I’m a driver.

Franco: Do you like it?

Katya: Yes, I do!

Oscar: Nora, can you help me complete this job application?

Nora: Sure, Oscar.

Oscar: Thank you!

Nora: No problem. Let’s see, can you lift 30 lbs?

Oscar: Yes, I can.

Nora: Can you work full-time?

Oscar: No, I can’t. I can work part-time.

Nora: Okay. Can you use a computer?

Oscar: No, but I can learn.

Nora: And, I know you can speak English!

Oscar: Yes. Thanks again, Nora!

Hassan: Hi, Jia, How do you get to school?

Jia: I take the bus. How do you get to school?

Hassan: I get a ride with Sasha. She’s sick today. Can I take the bus with you?

Jia: Sure.

Hassan: How much is it?

Jia: It’s $2.00 one way, but I use a monthly bus pass. It’s cheap-only $25.

Hassan: Okay. Where is the bus stop?

Jia: On Elm St.

Hassan: Okay, See you there!

Karina: Hi Tan! What are you going to do this weekend? Do you want to hang out?

Tan: Hi Karina. This Saturday, I’m going to make dinner for my husband and his coworkers. What are you going to do this weekend?

Karina: I’m going to hang out with friends. We are going to the movies on Saturday.

Tan: Fun!

Karina: What about Sunday, what are you going to do?

Tan: Well, on Sunday, I’m going to clean my house.

Karina: Oh well. Maybe we can go out next week.

Tan: Sounds good.

Sonia: Hi, do you have jeans here?

Jordan: Yes, here they are.

Sonia: Thanks. And shirts?

Jordan: What size do you wear?

Sonia: Medium.

Jordan: Okay. Medium and large are over there.

Sonia: How about shoes?

Jordon: What size shoes do you wear?

Sonia: 6.5

Jordan: We have six and a half.

Sonia: How much are they?

Jordan: They’re $12.50.

Sonia: Sweet.

Rita: Can I help you?

Fred: Yes, I need to buy a shirt for work.

Rita: Okay. What size do you wear?


Rita: Where do you work?

Fred: I work for City Bus.

Rita: Oh yeah? What do you do? Fred: I’m a driver.

Rita: That sounds great! Do you like it?

Fred: Yes, I do.

lesson 1 7 - 32

Gloria: Hello! Welcome to Friend’s Adult School. What’s your name?

Jorge: Hello. My name is Jorge Rodriguez.

Gloria: Great! I have your information. You are in Level two.

Jorge: Thank you. Who’s my teacher?

Gloria: Your teacher is Victoria Goldman.

Jorge: Okay. Where’s my class?

Gloria: It’s over there.

Jorge: Thank you.

Lisa: What a beautiful family, Franco! Who is that?

Franco: This is my wife.

Lisa: What’s her name?

Franco: Her name is Rosa.

Lisa: Who’s that?

Franco: That’s my brother.

Lisa: What’s his name?

Franco: His name is Luis. His wife is Yolanda.

Lisa: Who are the children?

Franco: That’s my son, Pablo, and my daughter, Isa. He’s 7, and she’s 5.

Lisa: They are so cute!

Listening 1

Daniel: How often do you do laundry?

Lucia: I do laundry three times a week.

Daniel: Wow, that’s a lot.

Lucia: Yes, it is.


Listening 2

Victor: Do you let your children watch TV?

Sandra: Yes. They watch TV on Saturday and Sunday.

Victor: My son watches TV every day.

Sandra: Really? Every day?

Victor: Yes.


Listening 3

Hai Dao: Does your family eat out?

Desiree: Sometimes. We eat at a restaurant once or twice a week. And you?

Hai Dao: We never eat out. I buy groceries three times a week.

Desiree: Wow! I buy groceries once a week.

Today’s forecast is warm with a high in the 80’s.
Tomorrow there’s no chance of rain.
Perfect summer weather this weekend.

Veronica: Sounds like a great weekend. Joey, how do you like the weather here?

Joey: I like the summer, but I don’t like the winter.

Veronica: I know. It’s very cold in winter. How is the weather in your native country?

Joey: I’m from Thailand. It’s very humid there. The weather in the winter is nice!

Good morning, Chicago! There is snow in the forecast for this week. It is very cold today!

Temperatures are in the 20s.

Bundle up! Take your hat and gloves.

Next week will be cool and dry with temperatures in the sos.

Edna: My son’s girlfriend is a very nice woman.

Olga: That’s good. What’s she like?

Edna: She’s smart. She works at the hospital.

Olga: Oh, what does she look like?

Edna: She’s tall and thin. And she’s athletic.

Olga: Really?

Edna: Yes! She plays tennis every Saturday.

Olga: Your son is lucky!

Listening 1

Leanne: What did you do last night, Sabrina?

Sabrina: It was cold, so I stayed home and baked cookies.

Leanne: Yum! What kind?

Sabrina: Chocolate chip.

Leanne: My favorite!


Listening 2

Tomas: Hey Lucas! What did you do last weekend?

Lucas: Hi Tomas! I practiced piano and walked the dogs. And you?

Tomas: I visited my grandmother.


Listening 3

Debra: What did you do last weekend?

Chen: Well, I washed the car.

Debra. Yeah? What else?

Chen: I made dinner for my wife and listened to music.

Debra: Aw, that’s nice.

Chen: And, I practiced English too!

Debra: Wow! That’s a lot!

Shah: Hi Amber! Ready to look at the apartment?

Amber: Yes! how many bedrooms are there?

Shah: There are two bedrooms and one bathroom.

Amber: And the kitchen? Is there a fridge?

Shah: No, there isn’t. But there is a dishwasher. There are two chairs and a couch in the living room.

Amber: Okay, let’s take a look.

1: [female voice] Last weekend I visited my brother and sister-in-law. My brother is tall and athletic. His wife is smart and pretty. They have two children.

2: [male voice]: Today the weather is warm, in the 70s. I washed the car this morning.

3: [female voice] There is a couch and TV in my living room. We like to watch sports twice a week there.

Listening 1

Vivian: Excuse me, where’s the restroom?

Derek: Go down the hall. It’s next to Tony’s Bike Shop.

Vivian: Thank you.


Listening 2

Winston: Excuse me, where’s the food court?

Nina: It’s on the 2nd floor. It’s across from Pixel’s Shoe Store.

Winston: Thanks!


Listening 3

Tony: Excuse me, where is the shoe store?

Anna: It’s on the 2nd floor. Go up the stairs, it’s between the food court and Dacy’s Department store.

Tony: Thank you.

Dad: I’m making salad tonight. Do we have lettuce?

Haley: No, we don’t.

Dad: [turns to grocery clerk] Excuse me, where’s the lettuce? 

Grocery Clerk: It’s over there.

Dad: Thank you. Haley, do you want cheese?

Haley: No, I don’t.

Dad: Do you want chicken in the salad?

Haley: Yes. How much is it?

Dad: $7.99

Haley: And how much are those strawberries?

Dad: $5.99. Do you want them in the salad?

Haley: No, Dad. I want them now.


Aracely: Wow, Taylor those silver shoes are cool!

Taylor: Thanks! I got them yesterday. They’re new.

Aracely: Where did you get them?

Taylor: At Saver’s Shoe Store. I like your green jacket.

Aracely: Thanks. It’s a present from my brother. I wear it all the time!

Taylor: Where did he get it?

Aracely: I don’t know, but I love it! It goes with my blue jeans.

Amal: Hey George! Thanks for watching the kids today. Do you have questions?

George: Yes. What time do you pick up the kids from school?

Amal: I pick up the kids at 4:30. Do you get home by then?

George: Yes, I get off work around 4.

Amal: Great. They eat dinner around 6. The fridge is full of food.

George: Okay. What do they like to eat?

Amal: They like burritos and pizza. I have salad in the fridge. Try to get them to eat it!

George: Ha ha, okay, Sis. What time do they go to bed?

Amal: At 9:00.

Wife: What are you going to do tonight?

Husband: I’m going to hang out with Joe and watch sports.

Wife: I’m going to pay the bills.

Husband: Okay, great.

Wife: What are you going to do tomorrow?

Husband: I’m going to take a nap.

Wife: Are you going to mow the lawn?

Husband: Yes. I’m going to take a nap after I mow the lawn. What are you going to do tomorrow?

Wife: I’m going to go shopping after I get a manicure.

Husband: That sounds good. I’m going to make dinner for us.

Wife: That sounds great.

Listening 1

Jessie: Hi Daniel! What did you do last night?

Daniel: I practiced with my band.

Jessie: Really? Can you play guitar?

Daniel: Yes. I play guitar.


Listening 2

Wen: Luis! We are going to go to the beach. Come with us!

Luis: Ah, no thanks. I don’t like water.

Wen: Can you swim?

Luis: No, I can’t swim.


Listening 3

Amber: Raju, do you want to go to the mountains tomorrow?

Raju: Sorry, I can’t. Where are you going to go?

Amber: I’m going to go to Copper Mountain.

Raju: Oh, can you ski?

Amber: No, I can’t ski, but I can snowboard.

Ty: Hey Milla! Ready to go shopping?

Milla: Hi Ty! Yes, I’m ready. I like your shoes! Where did you get them?

Ty: Thanks! I got them here in the mall at Saver’s.

Milla: Cool. Let’s go there next.

Ty: Great. It’s on the 2nd floor next to Benny’s.

Milla: Mmmmm. Something smells delicious. Is that the food court?

Ty: Yes, they have good food here. Want to get something?

Milla: How much are those burritos?

Ty: $3.00.

Milla: Let’s get one before we start shopping.

Ty: Okay!