book 3

lesson 1 - 32
Malia: Hi Bernard, I’m in your class again this term
Bernard: Hi Malia! Are you ready to start the next English Book?
Malia: Yes, I am. I am going to do my best.
Bernard: Good! You know, you are making a lot of progress.
Malia: Thanks, I think I am making some progress, but I still make a lot of mistakes.
Bernard: It is good to make mistakes that’s how we learn! Just be sure to your homework this time.
Malia: Good idea. Las class I didn’t do a lot of homework. I am going to make sure to practice and do more.
Bernard: That’s a good Plan! But can you do me a favor?
Malia: Sure, What’s that?
Bernard: Make Sure you speak only English in Class, Okay?
Malia: Okay, I will
Track 02
(Phone Ringing)
Jean: Hello?
Rafael: Hi Jean, It’s Rafael. Are at Home?
Jean: Yes, I am.
Rafael: Okay, great. I’m at the grocery store. I left my list at home, and I need to make cupcakes for the open house tomorrow. Can you read it to me so I can remember what’s is on it?
Jean: Oh Okay, sure Hold on (rummaging). Okay – It says milk, bread, eggs and soap.
Rafael: Okay, Thanks
Jean: Your list also says you need to make a doctor’s appointment. Don’t forget!
Rafael: Oh, Thanks for reminding me. I’ll do that now.
Greta: Hi Oliver. Is this your family in the photo?
Oliver: Hey Greta. Yes, it is!
Greta: Neat—what are they like?
Oliver: Well, I have two brothers and one sister. My younger brother is really serious and hardworking. My older brother is funny and very smart. He is shorter than I am, but he is more athletic. He is the most confident person in our family.
Greta: What is your sister like?
Oliver: She is really nice and outgoing. She is definitely the funniest person in our family.
Greta: Oh, wow. I’d love to meet her. Is she as nice as you are? Oliver: Well, I don’t know about that.
Steve: Hey, Jane. Did you hear the smoke alarm in our apartment building last night?
Jane: Yes, I did! I was cooking dinner when it went off. Did you see the fire truck, Steve?
Steve: Yes. I was working out in my living room when I heard the alarm. I looked out the window and saw the fire truck outside.
Jane: I looked out the window and saw the smoke! Good thing the fire truck got here fast to put out the fire. Steve: Yeah—and good thing the smoke alarm was working!
Darren: Hey Nikki. What are you up to thi5 weekend.
Nikki: Not much. Mostly errands.
Darren: My favorite crime show has a 2-hour special this Saturday. Do you wanna come over and watch with me.
Nikki: No, thanks. I don’t like watching crime shows. They are too violent!
Darren: What do you like to watch?
Nikki: I like watching soap operas, sitcoms, and reality TV—especially shows that are funny.
Darren: Oh, reality TV, I’m not a fan. It’s too unrealistic for me. I prefer watching the news.
Nikki: The news, ick, that’s way too depressing. How about sports? Do you like watching football?
Darren: Oh yeah—I love watching football!
Nikki: Me too! Wanna watch the game together on Sunday? Darren: Sounds good!
Jimmy: Hey Anika. How do you like living in California?
Anika: It’s nice, but I am nervous about the earthquakes here.
Jimmy: Yeah, we do have earthquakes sometimes. You need to make a plan, just in case.
Anika: Okay, so what will I need to do if there’s an earthquake?
Jimmy: If there’s an earthquake, you’ll need to get under a table while it’s going on.
Anika: What else?
Jimmy: When it’s over, you’ll need to evacuate your home in case there’s a fire.
Anika: Anything else?
Jimmy: You’ll need battery radio to listen to the news and get important information.
Anika: Okay, so if there is an earthquake, I’ll get under a table. I won’t go outside until it’s over. I’ll buy a battery- powered radio just in case.
Jimmy: That sounds like a good plan. Anika: Thanks, Jimmy. I feel better now!
This is an update for the Clark Fire on September 7th at 4:00 p.m.
The following areas are under an evacuation order: The Cathedral Oaks to Sunshine Canyon.
If you live in these areas, you will need to evacuate immediately and head to the nearest shelter.
Areas under evacuation warning: Glendale and Camino Viejo.
The next update will be on September 8th at 8:00 a.m.
To hear this alert again, press 1.
Pharmacy Tech: Good morning. How can I help you?
Oliver: Hi. I’d like to buy some antacids and I’d like something for itching.
Pharmacy Tech: Okay, sure. We have these pills for antacids and this ointment for itching.
Oliver: Thank you very much.
Pharmacy Tech: Of course. Is there anything else you need?
Oliver: Yes, I’d also like to pick up a prescription and get a flu shot.
Pharmacy Tech: Okay, no problem. We can help you with that right over here. You’ll need to wait a few minutes for us to fill your prescription, but you can take your blood pressure while you wait.
Oliver: Okay, great. I’m going to do that. Thank you!
Grandma: Lila, are you watching TV again?
Lila: Yeah! Didn’t you watch a lot of TV when you were a child, Grandma?
Grandma: Oh no, Lila, I didn’t. I used to play outside.
Lila: What did you do outside?
Grandma: Oh, I used to do all kinds of things, like play with the neighbors, climb trees, ride my bike. It was a lot of fun!
Lila: How about my dad7 What did he do when he was younger?
Grandma: When he was a child, he played a lot outside too. He used to get into trouble sometimes.
Lila: What kind of trouble?
Grandma: Well, he used to argue with his siblings, but now they almost never fight.
Lila: How about when he was a teenager?
Grandma: When he was a teenager, he used to eat a lot of junk food, but now he eats very healthy.
Lila: Did he stay out late?
Grandma: No, he didn’t. He used to have a curfew!
Lila: What’s that?
Grandma: He used to have to be home by 10 p.m.
Lila: Wow—that’s late!
Paula: Before I came here, I lived in El Salvador. I worked as a cook in my family’s restaurant.
I used to wash the dishes and help with the cooking. I didn‘t use to speak English but now I can.
After I came here, I used to spend a lot of time alone. But then I went to English classes.
My teacher was very nice and helped me. I made a lot of friends.
Now I own my own restaurant and can talk to people. I used to feel scared, but now I feel proud.
Woman: Excuse me, can you help me?
Grocery store worker: Sure. How can I help you?
Woman: I’m looking for a few things before tomorrow’s big blizzard but can’t find them.
GSW: I understand. It’s good to stock up on supplies. What are you looking for?
Woman: I need to get 2 gallons of water, some bread, a pack of batteries, and pain medication.
GSW: No problem. The water and batteries are on aisle 4. The bread is just over here. The pain medication is on aisle 10 next to the pharmacy.
Woman: Great. Thank you!
GSW: No problem. Can I help you with anything else?
Woman: I’m wondering if I need extra flashlights in case the blizzard knocks out the power.
GSW: The flashlights are on aisle 4 too.
Katya: Hey Binh. Thanks for helping me fix my sink. How’s it going?
Binh: Just a few more minutes and I’ll be done.
Katya: Wow—there’s a lot of stuff here. Are all these tools yours?
Binh: Some are mine and some I found under the sink.
Katya: Oh, they must be my roommate’s. Let me put them away. Whose hammer is this; is it yours?
Binh: Nope.
Katya: Oh, my roommate probably left it here. Is that her screwdriver too?
Binh: No, that’s mine.
Katya: How about these nails and tape measure. Are they yours?
Binh: Yep, those are mine.
Katya: Okay—I think we got it all sorted out. Thanks again!
Cathy: Hey Orlando. How are you doing?
Orlando: Hi Cathy. I‘m okay, but I’m a little overwhelmed.
Cathy: Why? What’s going on?
Orlando: I’m trying to buy a house. It’s my first time, so I’m learning what I need to do. It’s stressful!
Cathy: Wow—yeah that is stressful, but also exciting! I remember when I bought my first house.
Orlando: How was it for you?
Cathy: I was excited and also nervous. Did you apply for a loan yet?
Orlando: Not yet. What should I do to apply for a loan?
Cathy: Well, first you should make a budget so you know how much you want to apply for.
Orlando: Okay. Then what?
Cathy: Then you should go to a bank and talk to a representative there about mortgage loans.
Orlando: Should I withdraw all the money from my savings account so I can pay for the deposit on the new house?
Cathy: No, you shouldn’t do that. You’ll need to have money in your account to apply for the loan.
Orlando: Oh really? Thank you for giving me this advice! I feel more relaxed now.
Toni: Hey Bob, I know you are working hard this week. How are you doing?
Bob: I’m okay, but I’m a little stressed.
Toni: Is everything okay at home?
Bob: Yeah, I just have too much to do. It’s overwhelming.
Toni: I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything that helps you when you are feeling stressed?
Bob: Sometimes I take a walk or meditate.
Toni: Those sound like good ideas. I try to take deep breaths when I’m overwhelmed. It’s relaxing.
Bob: Yeah, that’s a good idea too. Thanks for listening.
Toni: Sure—anytime. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
A: Hi. Welcome to the Recycling Center. How can I help you?
B: Good morning! I have some things to recycle.
A: Okay. What do you have?
B: I have a lot of cardboard, a little paper, a lot of cans and glass bottles and a few plastic bags—oh, and a little Styrofoam.
A: Hmm. We can’t recycle Styrofoam, so you’ll need to throw it out, but we can take everything else. How many bottles and cans do you have?
B: Let’s see (counting)…I have 20 glass bottles, 25 cans, and 5 plastic bags.
A: Okay, great—you can turn them in over there. Thank you for doing your part to reduce, reuse, and recycle!
A: Hey Bria. Did you know it’s Taylor’s birthday this weekend?
Bria: Really? We should have a party!
A: Yeah—that’s a great idea. Okay, let’s see…Whose house can we use?
Bria: Dina has a big living room and a nice backyard. Let’s ask if we can use hers.
A: Great. So, we just need to order food, send invitations, and make decorations.
Bria: My cousin makes great pizzas. I’ll order the food from him. He’ll give us drinks with them, too.
A: Nice! I‘ll send out invitations and make some decorations.
Bria: Perfect. I’ll bring a dessert, and we can all help clean up after the party.
A: Sounds like a great plan!
Sofia: Hey Ken. How are you doing?
Ken: Hi Sofia, I’m good, but it’s so cold and windy today. I’m really looking forward to warmer weather this summer.
Sofia: Me too! What are you doing this summer?
Ken: My family and I are taking a vacation to visit my aunt and uncle.
Sofia: Wow—that’s great. Are you excited about it?
Ken: We’re really excited about it! How about you?
Sofia: I’m retiring this summer!
Ken: Are you looking forward to retiring?
Sofia: Yes, I am. I’m looking forward to having a more flexible schedule.
Ken: What will you do with your free time?
Sofia: I’m excited about working in the garden, spending time with my grandchildren, and giving back to my community.
Ken: Nice. I’d love to volunteer, too. Maybe this summer.
Sofia: That would be great!
Brian: Hi Gina I haven’t seen you in a while! How are you doing?
Gina: Hey! I’m okay. I’m a little stressed lately.
Brian: Really? Why?
Gina: Well, work is overwhelming right now and my family is coming in town. I‘m a planning a party for everyone, but I’mworried I don’t have time to run errands.
Brian: Could I help you?
Gina: That would be great!
Brian: What should I do?
Gina: Let’s see, I need someone to pick up plates, napkins, cups, and utensils.
Brian: I’ll do that, no problem.
Gina: Thanks Brian! That would be a huge help!
Miranda: How about this weather?
Jason: I know—it’s so nice and sunny out! Are you going to do something fun this weekend?
Miranda: Yes. I’m going to go biking and play soccer.
Jason: Cool. Where do you play soccer?
Miranda: I play every Sunday at a park near my house. How about you—what do you do on the weekends?
Jason: Well, last weekend, I went camping with some friends. This weekend I’m going to play some board games with my family.
Miranda: That sounds like fun. Do you play board games with your family a lot?
Jason: Yes. It’s one of our favorite things to do! We play at least once a month. Maybe you can join us sometime.
Miranda: I’d love to!
Come to Martin’s Market for the best deals and lowest prices on cheese, meat, and fruit.
This week, we have buy one get one free on packs of strawberries.
All of our generic brand cheeses are also half off, and organic meat is 20% off the regular price.
Our discounts are better than other stores. Save more at Martin’s Market!
Emilio: Did you hear that, Barb? We need more cheese and fruit. Let’s go to Martin’s Market!
Barb: Okay, but I don’t like generic cheese.
Emilio: Why not? Generic cheese is as good as name brand cheese!
Barb: Okay, I’ll try it but we need to make sure to compare prices and check the unit price before we buy it. We want to get the best deal!
Willy: Ugh…
Kacey: What’s wrong, Willy?
Willy: I can’t find my wallet anywhere!
Kacey: Did you look in your car?
Willy: Yes, I did. It wasn’t there.
Kacey: Did you leave it at the restaurant last night?
Willy: No, I didn’t. I know I had it with me when we left the restaurant. I think someone stole it!
Kacey: Maybe you forgot to take it out of your pocket when you changed your clothes.
Willy: No—someone stole it, I am sure!
Kacey: Hmmm…Is this your wallet here in the laundry room?
Willy: Yes, it is! Now I remember—I left it there when I was folding clothes last night. Oops! Thank you, Kacey!
A: Bernard, why were you late to class?
Bernard: Ugh, I had car problems again.
A: Oh nol What happened?
Bernard: My car broke down while I was driving.
A: That’s scary! What did you do?
Bernard: Well, I moved my car to the side of the road.
A: Did you call the police?
Bernard: Yeah, they helped me move the car and then I called a tow truck to take it to the repair shop.
A: I hope they can fix your car! Do you need a ride home?
Bernard: That would be great! Thanks.
Jana: Hey Faz. How’s everything?
Faz: Not so good, Jana.
Jana: Oh no—What’s wrong?
Faz: Well, when it rained yesterday, the power went out and it’s not back yet. I am really stressed because I need electricity to cook dinner.
Jana: Oh no!
Faz: Yeah. If the electricity doesn’t come back on soon, the food in the freezer will spoil.
Jana: Hmm, I have an idea—why don’t you come over and bring the food from your fridge? We’ll cook here.
Faz: That’s a great idea. If I leave now, we’ll have time to eat before class starts.
Jana: Okay, I’ll turn on the oven.
Faz: Thanks a lot! Maybe the power will come back on after class.
Conversation 1
A: How was the fundraiser at Green Gardens?
B: It was interesting. I learned about ways I can volunteer.
A: I’m interested in volunteering. Tell me more.
B: If you’re interested, here’s their flier.
Conversation 2
Clara: I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather, Dan. Dan: Thanks Clara. I’m depressed, but he had a great life.
Clara: How was the funeral?
Dan: It was depressing, but I was surprised by how many people came.
Clara: Why is that surprising? He was a very nice person.
Conversation 3
E: Hey Sergio, you went to a graduation this weekend, right?
Sergio: Yeah, it was boring. E: Why were you bored?
Sergio: It was too long.
Receptionist: Good morning, Dr. Patterson’s office. How can I help you?
Frida: Hi, I’d like to change my appointment.
Receptionist: Okay. What’s your name and date of birth?
Frida: My name is Frida Menendez. My date of birth is July Sth, 1960.
Receptionist: Great. I see your information here, Ms. Menendez. You have a physical scheduled for tomorrow at 8. When do you want to reschedule it?
Frida: Is there a time next week? I’m available any time after 1:00 p.m.
Receptionist: Sure. Dr. Patterson has Monday and Thursday afternoon open.
Frida: Thursday is good.
Receptionist: Great, I rescheduled your physical for next Thursday at 3:00 p.m. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Frida: No, thank you.
A: Hi Evan! How was your vacation?
Evan: It was interesting and lots happened!
A: Really? What did you do?
Evan: Well, we drove across country and saw amazing cities, museums, and the desert. But while we were driving, we got a flat tire.
A: Oh no! That’s awful.
Evan: Yes, we were close to a gas station which was good. I changed the flat tire there. It took a long time but some of the workers helped me.
A: That’s nice of them!
Evan: Yeah! But then when I drove to the next town, I realized I didn’t have my wallet!
A: Oh no! What happened to your wallet?
Evan: Well, I thought someone stole it. But it actually fell out of my pocket when I was changing the flat tire. One of the gas station workers found it and called me.
A: I bet you were relieved.
Evan: I was, I was so glad it was found!
Interviewer: So, Tina—tell me a little bit about yourself.
Tina: Sure. I’m a responsible and motivated person. I like to work with others and I’m passionate about helping people.
Interviewer: That’s great. Why are you interested in this position?
Tina: Well, I’m excited about your company and I like the schedule.
Interviewer: How do you feel about working full-time?
Tina: Great! I’m looking forward to having a full-time job.
Interviewer: And what are your strengths?
Tina: I’m a fast learner. I’m good at customer service, and I’m a positive person.
Interviewer: Yes, I can see you are. One last question: Why did you leave your last job?
Tina: Well, I was tired of working nights. I’m not great at staying up late.
Interviewer: I understand! Thanks.
Darin: Hey Nora and Sara! What are you doing?
Nora: Hi Darin! We’re making cookies. Wanna help us?
Darin: Sure! I love cookies!
Sara: Great! Okay, what do we do first, Nora?
Nora: First, you pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
Darin: I can do that. [beeping oven noise]
Nora: Then you mix the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar in a bowl.
Sara: I’ll do that, Nora.
Nora: Next, you add the eggs and vanilla. [sound of egg cracking]
Darin: What do we do after that?
Nora: Okay, after that, add the flour, baking soda, and salt.
Sara: Flour, baking soda, salt. Got it.
Nora: Then we go add chocolate chips.
Darin: Yes! I’ll do that.
Nora: Finally, put the mixture on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
Darin: Okay. I’m putting it in the oven. Hey, what are you doing?
Sara and Nora: We’re pouring the milk!
Raul: Look, Omar. Somebody left their phone charger plugged in here. Whose charger is that? Is it yours?
Omar: No, it’s not mine. I think it might be Nala’s. Let me call her…. (ring, ring) Hey, Nala: Did you leave your phone charger in the classroom?
Nala: Oh, yeah—I did!
Omar: No problem—I am playing soccer near your house this afternoon. I’ll give it to you then.
Nala: Okay. Thank you for bringing it to me. I really appreciate it!
Omar. Sure. No problem. It’s hard to keep track of everything.
Nala: Yeah—next time I’ll check the outlets.
Teacher: Sudeep, tell me about your goals for learning English. How will your life improve after you graduate?
Sudeep: Well, teacher, I hope I’ll have a better job.
Teacher: What kind of job?
Sudeep: I want to work at the front desk in a hotel.
Teacher: That’s great. What else will change?
Sudeep: I hope I’ll be more fluent and more people will understand me.
Teacher: Yes, you are doing better every day!
Sudeep: Thank you, teacher.
Teacher: Those are great goals. I think you can do them!
1: Hey Carmela! Did you find anything for Kelsey’s baby shower?
Carmela: No, I didn’t find anything. Did you?
1: Not yet. Gracie and I went to a department store together, but there was nothing we could afford.
Carmela: Oh. I looked online, but I didn’t find anything.
1: Hmmm…. Maybe Gracie, you, and I should get a group gift. Want to?
Carmela: Sure! That would be great. When should we go shopping?
1: I can go tomorrow, can you?
Carmela: Yeah, that sounds good.
1: I’ll check with Gracie….
[phone noises/ringing].
1: Hey Gracie. Carmela and I want to go shopping tomorrow for Kelsey’s baby shower. Can you come?
Gracie: Yes, I can! What time?
1: Let’s all meet at 11:00.
Gracie: Sounds like a plan.
Teacher: Marta, you are a wonderful student! Thank you for always coming to class and for doing your homework.
Marta: Thank you, teacher, for teaching me and for encouraging me. And thank you for believing in me. You are so supportive.
Teacher: I do believe in you! Thank you also for being kind to the other students.
Marta: Of course! I really like my classmates.
Anita: Hey Maria and Jon! Ready to go shopping?
Maria and Jon: Yeah!
Anita: Great. I brought us coffee.
Jon: Whose coffee is this?
Maria: That’s mine. I don’t like milk.
Anita: This one’s yours, Jon.
Jon: Thanks.
Maria: I was thinking we should get a plant for Song’s housewarming party. What do you think?
Anita: Hmmm, that’s a good idea, or maybe a candle.
Jon: There are plants over there.
Maria: This cactus is on sale.
Anita: Okay. Let’s compare prices with some of the other plants.
Jon: This one is 50% off and it has pretty flowers.
Maria: I like that one.
Anita: Me too. Do you want to get a candle and maybe a small gift card also? We could do a group gift.
Jon: Yeah, that’s a good idea!